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Attack parasites of consciousness -Psychic Attacks, Negative Entities Aliens

in Infinity ocean, the ocean of knowledge. Ocean life. Esoteric Club. Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:27 pm
by Fox • 76 Posts

Attack parasites of consciousness -Psychic Attacks, Negative Entities Aliens

4D Astral negative aliens (Reptilian, Draconian), demons, entities, human possessions, psychic attacks, negative interference, psychic self-defense, Team Light coming under attack by Team Dark

Don’t misunderstand the title of this and think that now we’re in May 2013 this negative business won’t happen because it will, and it’ll try very hard to continue affecting, attacking, influencing and doing the ‘Smash and Grab’ maneuver on whoever they can. These Team Dark beings are hurriedly stockpiling humans, human consciousness and human energies now for their upcoming long, hard, hungry winter elsewhere, minus many millions of us who’ve gone our separate ways (the upcoming Separation of Worlds).

Someone (forgive me but I can’t remember your name at this moment) emailed this particular James Gilliland article to me the other day. Thank you. ♥ Because it is in my opinion highly accurate, I wanted to quote it here after my April 30, 2013 article, Please… Is April 2013 Over Yet?!

Thank you James Gilliland for this article. Plenty of people are in great need of better understanding that there really are ‘worlds behind the world’ and that there are diverse positive and negative Beings that have always existed within them. People need to consciously know what’s really going on within multiple dimensions and how and why they are affected, attacked, and unknowingly to them, deliberately manipulated and used by the Negative Aliens Beings or as I call these creatures, Team Dark, to harm Lightworkers/Starseeds/Forerunners/Transmuters/Indigos and anyone trying to wake up and evolve out from under them and their lowly frequency range.

Denise Le Fay



To keep this article small and to the point, the reason why negative other-dimensional psychic etheric attacks have increased dramatically and become more conscious to growing numbers of people is, in a nutshell, due to the current planetary Ascension Process.

The further we’ve traveled into the Ascension Process (this started approximately 1987, but for some Starseeds/Lightworkers it began earlier), the more darkness, negativity and lower frequency density and duality there’s been feeling the growing pressures of higher frequency Light infiltrating 3D, Earth, humanity, the Collective etc. And, by darkness and negativity I mean Team Dark or the Negatives as I call all of them.

Who is Team Dark or the Negatives? They are the negative non-physical, non-human, multidimensional Alien beings such as the Reptilians and Draconians, plus certain other groups they control and/or have created themselves like negative Grays, MIB and other inorganic non-physical creatures. Team Dark/the Negatives also includes the 4D Astral Archetypes; all developmental levels of negative non-human 4D Astral beings, demons and entities etc.; human created negative inorganic thought-forms, black magic energies, physical violence, warring, negative sexual energies etc. and the 4D Astral entities attracted to those and all low-frequency energies — 4D Astral Collective energies generated from 3D humans; and the 2D (dimension that exists below Earth’s surface vibrationally) negative Elemental entities, creatures, monsters, demons etc.

Also included as Team Dark/the Negatives are the living humans who are polarized to the “Dark side of the Force” or “Service to Self”. These people are dark themselves and don’t need help from negative, other-dimensional Aliens and/or beings to manifest negativity in 3D physicality and unleash it upon other living humans, the Earth, Nature, animals etc. They are human Team Dark members and work in the physical dimension in tandem with the non-physical, other-dimensional Negative Aliens, entities, demons etc. to create more fear, suffering, violence, wars, hatred, chaos etc. in the physical world. Why? Because all human generated lower frequency emotions, thoughts and actions are invisible etheric energy food, fuel, and building materials for Team Dark.

And there are the billions of living humans (normal folk) who are repeatedly and unknowingly influenced, manipulated and directed by a negative Alien(s), Astral being(s), demon(s) and lesser evolved entities to create as much pain, misery, fear, wounding, sadness, destruction, immobility, confusion and chaos that they can on other humans for the reasons previously mentioned. Living humans intentionally used and directed by non-human, other-dimensional Team Dark Aliens, beings and entities to negatively affect other living humans to get those humans to produce negative emotions and energies. Or, if you’re a Starseed/Lightworker/Lightwarrior/Indigo, to derail you in any way(s) they can as often and as long as they can from doing the spiritual energetic Ascension related Work you came to Earth now to do for All. Why? Same reasons; so the Team Dark Aliens and other levels of beings can remain in control and continue feeding off of the lower frequency actions, emotions, thoughts and consciousness that controlled unaware humans produce.

Of all these negative situations, the one where humans are used and manipulated by non-physical Team Dark beings to intentionally hurt other humans—not to mention the Starseeds/Lighyworkers/Indigos doing Ascension work—frustrates me the most because the human(s) being used is completely unaware of it all. And, the more well-developed the human’s ego is, the easier it is for Team Dark Aliens, beings, entities and demons to use and manipulate them against other humans. Horrible, revolting, insulting and embarrassing isn’t it? We’ve all been used and manipulated by certain Team Dark beings but the important thing is to wake up to this fact, take responsibility, and evolve so this horrific inter-dimensional parasitism, possession, astral kidnapping of souls to use them, manipulation of mass humanities consciousness, and manipulation of humans against other humans cannot continue happening.

Read more: http://sunrise.freeforums.net/thread/58/...e#ixzz2tnEUByUo

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RE: Attack parasites of consciousness -Psychic Attacks, Negative Entities Aliens

in Infinity ocean, the ocean of knowledge. Ocean life. Esoteric Club. Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:25 am
by Nicholas Roemer

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